What’s in the box?

We’ve been really pleased that so many local people have been keen to try our new produce boxes.

We’ve had some customers ask us for some help identifying some of the more unusual vegetables and herbs that we offer.

Here’s a handy photo guide to help you along:

Shungiku or edible chrysanthemums – aromatic leaf and edible flowers, good in stir fry
Marjoram – fragrant herb, similar to oregano, good in soups, stews and pasta dishes
Broad bean tops
Broad bean tops – subtle flavour, nice shredded in omelettes or added to salads
Chard – Leaves are great in stir fry or cook the stems in gratin
Nasturtium – the whole plant is edible. Leaves and flowers add a peppery, bright kick to salads.
Garlic chives – similar to a spring onion, use in the same way.
Purple sword lettuce – lovely flavour, good in salads
Deer tongue lettuce – nutty flavour, good in salads


Three cornered leek – edible leaf and flower, garlicky taste and a nice crunch. Good in salads, added to pasta dishes or used to make pesto.